At Soma-ro, we are planning to have you watch a maiko dance with lunch included in the room depicted in this painting.

The difference between the room depicted in the painting and the current room is that the tatami mats in the painting have a red and white checkered pattern.

When the geisha (Kosuzu) playing the shamisen in the painting was a maiko, the tatami mats were beautifully dyed with safflower in a checkered pattern.

I have heard that the soles of the white tabi socks worn by maiko became red with the color of safflower.

The current tatami mats may have gradually peeled or faded over the years. They have a checkered pattern of the same color.

When I created the painting, I imagined the color of the tatami mats at that time and drew it. The rest of the room is exactly as in the painting. I will also explain why I drew the Milky Way and the magpie at the top of the painting.

The lyrics of this song are that the magpie lined up its wings to build a bridge over the Milky Way. And the two stars (the cowherd and the weaver girl) are able to meet once a year. This is because it alludes to the legend.
